discord community bot that lets you use react to people's messages and collect Karma points, highlight the best messages in your server & more
👋 hey i'm erik he/they
i make projects that tickle my brain funny
i also develop websites, tools, games, and anything else you can do on a screen
despedite itch
despedite.itch.io • 2017 - 2020
short and sweet game jam games, from crossbow aiming shooters to blood pumping platformers to pinball and puzzles, all made during a tiny time frame
other prototypes
github.com • 2022
nomination video visualizer for a faux awards ceremony hosted in 2022. includes twitch chat api connection. revamp in development with more interactivity, a-la jackbox games
siu guarani webscraper
github.com • 2021
webscraper for siu guarani to automatically apply to any university classes when made available